
Prosdocimo Funeral Home
Via del Turco, 2 - Laterale Viale Venezia
33170 Pordenone (PN)
Tel. 0434 551549
E-mail mario@prosdocimomario.it

from Monday to Saturday from 8,30 to 12,30 pm
from 2 to 6 pm, Sunday from 8,30 to 12,30 am.

If you want to visit a guest, please go to
Funeral Home's Guests


Headquarters, exhibition and lab
Via Ellero, 5 - Zona Industriale
33081 Aviano (PN)
Tel. 0434 652277

from Monday to Friday from 8,30 to 12,30 pm
from 2 to 6 pm, Saturday from 8,30 to 12,30 am.

Availability service

24 hour call service: mob. 335 8331230