Who we are
The story
The company was founded in 1938 by Antonio Prosdocimo, and continued by Iginio who retired in 2003.
In 2010 the company consolidated the active collaboration of Alessandro Prosdocimo, Mario’s son, and Raffaella constituting the new structure of the company.
Since 2012 with the opening of the Funeral Home Altrove® in via del Turco n. 2 in Pordenone, the operation of the two city offices of P.zza Ospedale Vecchio and Via San Quirino has been conveyed to the new structure.
From 2017, 5 years after its opening, the Prosdocimo Funeral Home has been expanded with new spaces, up to the current surface of over 2,300 square meters.
From 2020 the company has been transformed into a SPA and has started to collaborate with “Fido Memory” to assist families in the loss of pets and pets.
In 2024, the first funeral home in the foothills was opened at Via Ellero 5 in Aviano (PN).
The Company is associated with the F.E.N.I.O.F. (National Federation of Funeral Honors Companies) of which Mario has been a national councilor since 1993, and has signed a Code of Conduct to self-regulate and improve the ethics of funeral companies.
It has also undergone verification according to the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9002 standards and has been qualified with the Quality Mark F.E.N.I.O.F.
The staff
Through the years the company has become the market's point of reference. and has been enriched by competent collaborators. Currently employs 15 people that support with knowledge, professionalism, sensitivity, fairness the task they've been asked to perform.
PORDENONE, Via del Turco. The PROSDOCIMO FUNERAL HOME is where we offer to the families, we are privileged to serve, a valid alternative the the cold hospital and cemeteries morgues and where we created a place in which to celebrate your loved one with dignity in the full respect of the plurality of faiths. This funeral home will be friendly, able to give hospitality to many people and able to provide innovative services for grieving.
AVIANO, Via Ellero 5, location of the second PROSDOCIMO FUNERAL HOME Altrove®.
Situated in the industrial area of the town. It houses also the company car fleet, the laboratory for the assembly of gravestones and marble processing together with the offices it offers a wide exhibition of funeral accessories and tombstones.
Certifications and partnerships

Federazione Nazionale Imprese Onoranze Funebri

A Euronext Company