Elda Ninno
The funeral will take place Friday November 28 at 3 pm in the Cristo Re where Elda will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday November 28 at 6 pm in the same Church.
Liliana Gavasso
The funeral will take place Thursday November 28 at 3,30 pm in the San Giorgio Church where Liliana will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday November 27 at 7 pm in the same Church.
Edda Grotto
The funeral will take place Friday November 29 at 3 pm in the Church of Beato Odorico, where Edda will arrive from the Prosdocimo funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Azzano Decimo.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday November 28 at 6,45 pm in the same Church.
Maria Pia Guerrera
The funeral will take place Thursday November 28 at 3 pm in the Sacro Cuore Church where Maria Pia will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
Adua Secchi
The funeral will take place Friday November 29 at 3 pm in the San Giorgio Church in Pordenone where Adua will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordneone.
After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Fanna.
Enzo Carrabba "Gianluca"
The funeral will take place Wednesday November 27, at 3,30 pm in the Church of S. Bartolomeo In Roraigrande, where Gianluca will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral we will take Gianluca to the Crematorium.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 26 at 6,30 pm in the same Church.
Renato Micheluz
The funeral will take place Thursday November 28 at 2,30 pm in the Church of San Francesco, where Renato will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday November 27 at 6,45 pm in the same Church.
Rather than flowers the family will appreciate donations the "Il Gabbiano" Association, friend of the San Vito of Tagliamento Hospice.
Anna Maria Basso
funeral will take place Wednesday November 27 at 3 pm in the Church of Giais where Anna Maria will arrive from the
Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone. Cremation will follow. The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 26 at 7,30 pm in the same Church.
Pompea Pujatti "Fanny"
The funeral will take place Wednesday November 27, at 3,30 pm in the Church of Beato Odorico in Pordenone, where Fanny will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral we will take Fanny to the Crematorium.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 26, at 6,45 pm in the same Church.
Federico Fantin
The funeral will take place Monday November 25, at 2,30 pm in the Church of S. Agnese in Roraipiccolo, where Federico will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home of Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
After the funeral burial will take place in the Porcia cemetery.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Sunday November 24, at 7 pm in the same Church.
Maurizio Gaspardo
The funeral will take place Monday November 25, at 3 pm in the Church of S. Pietro Apostolo in Cordenons, where Maurizio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral we will take Maurizio to the Crematorium.
Bruna Mazzocut Mis
funeral will take place Friday November 22 at 10,30 am in the Church of Aviano where Bruna will arrive from the
Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone. After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Aviano. The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday November 21 at 7 pm in the same Church.
Rosina Polo Friz
funeral will take place Thursday November 21 at 3 pm in the Church of Giais where Rosina will arrive from the
Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone. After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Giais. The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday November 20 at 7 pm in the same Church.
Corrado Boschian
The funeral will take place Thursday November 21 at 10,30 am in the San Lorenzo Church in Roraigrande where Corrado will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Roraigrande.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday November 20 at 7 pm in the same Church.
Rather than flowers the family will appreciate donations to the Youth Area of the C.R.O. Oncological Hospital Aviano.
Renata Battiston
The funeral will take place Monday, Nov. 18, at 3 p.m. in the Cristo Re Parish Church, where Renata will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home at vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
The Holy Rosary will be recited on Sunday, November 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the same church.
Anna Maria Fort
funeral will take place Monday November 18 at 3 pm in the S. Lucia of Budoia Church, where Anna Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral
Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone. Cremation will follow.
Michelina "Anna" De Chiara
funeral will take place Saturday November 16 at 3 pm in the Castello Church, where Anna will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral
Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone. Burrial will take place in the Castello cemetery. The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday November 15 at 7 pm in the same Church.
Rodolfo Galiano
With heartbreak - but filled with gratitude for him - he is announced by
his mother Anna, brother Enrico, niece Gaia Sofia, sister-in-law Roberta, his uncles and cousins from the Del Ben family and the Galiano family, his lifelong friends Alessandro, Paolo, Peo, Roberto, Nicoletta, plus all the (so many) people who loved him.
The family wholeheartedly thanks Dr. Di Lorenzo and all the staff of the Casa Serena Rsa for the love and care with which they welcomed and helped Rudy on his final journey.
Since we are talking about Rudy Galiano, that is, a superhero, we want to remember him properly and especially as he would have wanted: with a smile.
If you would like to bring your own, there will be a secular ceremony at the Farewell Room of Prosdocimo Funeral Home, vial Turco No. 2 in Pordenone, Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 4 p.m.
Speeches by friends, anecdotes, happy memories will be welcome. And possibly some Milan football team flags.
Dianella Zaia
funeral will take place Friday November 15 at 3,30 pm in the Aviano
Dome, where Dianella will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral
Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone. Cremation will follow. The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday November 14 at 7 pm in the same Church. Rather than flowers the family will be appreciate donations to Cro research.
Savina Cereser
The funeral will take place Thursday November 14 at 3 pm in the San Marco Dome in Pordenone, where Mirella will arrive from the Prosdcoimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday November 13 at 7 pm in the same Church.